What do we offer

Based on your drawings and technical specifications, we offer a comprehensive CNC Machining and Hot Forging service, from buying the raw material, manufacturing, heat treatment, quality control, packaging and shipment to agreed final destination.

By combining the capabilities between our departments, we are able to reduce cost and production times while ensuring the final quality of the part. Everything is done in house.
Industrias Michelena:
Total Surface area: : 7000 m2.
Main building indoor area: 2000m2.
Warehouse bulding indoor area: 500m2.
Quality air-conditioned room with 48m2.
Both buildings are equipped overhead cranes of 3 and 5 tonnes respectively.

Our CNC machining department combines our expertise with the latest technology in turning, milling and CAD-CAM software
This enables us to respond quickly and deliver your parts always with the highest quality and shortest possible delivery time.
Turning capacities:
Max turning diameter up to Ø550x3200mm, with Y-axis, driven tools and travelling steady rest.
Milling capacities:
Maximun feed axes travel up to 1050x530x510mm (length, width and height), with continuous fourth axis and Renishaw inspection probe also equipped with the Renishaw software Set and Inspect.

We have 4 screw presses with capacities from 160 to 450 tonnes and several auxiliary presses up to 100 tonnes. All of them feed by 2 induction furnaces of 150kW each.
Let us help you
Contact us
Datos de contacto
Horario de atención:
De 8:00 a 15:00h.
Contacta con nosotros
- Información básica sobre protección de datos
- Finalidad: Responder las consultas planteadas por el usuario y enviarle la información solicitada
- Legitimación: Consentimiento del usuario
- Destinatarios: Solo se realizan cesiones si existe una obligación legal.
- Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir, así como otros derechos, como se indica en la Política de Privacidad
Puede consultar la información completa en nuestra Política de Privacidad.